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Shade: The Series Episode 1

-Riots of the soul

Major riots leave Sternhold city in wreck and ruin meanwhile the vigilante Shade meets an old friend from the past but not all is as it seems...


Cast and Crew:

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto
Guest Starring - Dan Brierley 
Cameramen - Jack Marriner & The Trogonator



I take no credit for the music all the music is credited below
Danny Olson - If I lose myself tonight
Anotsu - Man on the run
Clynos - Ancient Heroes

Shade: The Series Episode 2

-Chemical Beverages

Shade is suspicious about 4D fortune so he goes for a little trip but the drinks have a bit of a kick...


Cast and Crew:

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto Featuring Hazza Rick Guest Starring – Alex Markiewicz Cameramen - The Trogonator & Jackson Presto



I take no credit for the music all the music is credited below #214 Indie-Rock - Country & Western Royalty Free Music (Caühaüs - Rednecks with White Faces) Anotsu - Man on the run TeknoAXE – Evil electronic war counsil

Shade: The Series Episode 3

-Jack's Shuffle House

Whoever is running 4D Fortune is controlling people with chemicals and Shade needs to find out who runs 4D Fortune and why they are controlling people... before it’s too late.


Cast and Crew:

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto
Featuring Hazza Rick 
Guest Starring – The Trogonator
Cameramen - The Trogonator & Jackson Presto


I take no credit for the music all the music is credited below

TeknoAXE – The Ruins of Megalopolis
Anostu – Man on the run
Brian Stiroh – Creeping in the woods

Shade: The Series Episode 4


After taking a trip to a 4D Fortune shop, Shade takes a look at the chemical plant listed on the documents he stole but a nasty surprise is waiting for him...


Cast and Crew:

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto
Featuring Hazza Rick 
Guest Starring – Jack Marriner
Cameramen – Dan Brierley & Jackson Presto


I take no credit for the music all the music is credited below

TeknoAXE – Future in slow motion
Anostu – Man on the run
Escape from the temple

Shade: The Series Episode 5

-Last Request

After being drugged and captured, Shade has woken up in the hands of the mastermind: 4 of Diamonds. But with obedience drugs in Shade's system what can he do?


Cast and Crew:

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto
Featuring Hazza Rick 
Cameramen – Jackson Presto


I take no credit for the music all the music is credited below

Ross Bugden - Titans
Anostu – Man on the run
Tom Cusack - Tense



Shade: The Series Episode 1

-The Garbage Man

It has been 3 months since 4 of Diamonds started his rein of terror over the Midas Brotherhood to kill Shade and now the club has to reform. Victor Edge (a member of the brotherhood) believes the only way to do this is by making himself leader. However his plans for the brotherhood are rather sinister.

Cast and Crew:
Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto 
Cameramen - Jackson Presto & Jack Marriner 
Jackson Presto as Shade
Jack Marriner as Victor Edge
Ollie Johnson as Stix 
James Bricknell as a newsreporter
Ron Cartwright as a druggie 
Sam Slade as a member of the audience




Shade: The Series Episode 2

-Mayhem in the city

With Victor Edge's new found leadership over the Midas Brotherhood, Shade faces a new foe hired to kill him. However Shade is not to be underestimated...


Cast and Crew:

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto 
Cameramen - Jackson Presto & Alex Markiewicz 


Jackson Presto as Shade
Jack Marriner as Victor Edge
Ollie Johnson as Stix 
Sam Slade as Mayhem




Shade: The Series Episode 3

-Man behind the mask

After the failed assassination attempt on Shade, the Midas Brotherhood must update their tactics meanwhile Shade is preparing on getting Stix.

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto 
Cameramen - Jackson Presto 
Jackson Presto as Shade
Jack Marriner as Victor Edge
Ollie Johnson as Stix




Shade: The Series Episode 4


Victor Edge blackmails Stix to lure out Shade so that the monster: Rage can defeat him however Victor’s plan does not go quite as it was meant to.

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto 
Cameramen - Jackson Presto & Jack Marriner
Jackson Presto as Shade
Jack Marriner as Victor Edge
Ollie Johnson as Stix 
Sam Slade as Rage

Shade: The Series Episode 5

-A Graceful Exit

Shade, intrigued, has followed a the programmed killer: Rage however is following a lethal killing machine a good idea?

Cast and Crew:

Written & Directed by - Jackson Presto 
Cameramen - Jackson Presto & Jack Marriner
Jackson Presto as Shade
Jack Marriner as Victor Edge
Sam Slade as Rage



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